Amy and Simon Blog

The Natural and Healthy Lifestyle we Discovered Along the Way…

Homeopathy September 10, 2008

Let’s look at homeopathy.  We use homeopathy in place of regular over-the-counter medicines for headaches, colds, flu, teething, gas, etc. It’s always good to have some on hand, especially the Kid’s Kit by Hylands and Oscillococcinum by Boiron.  The Kid’s Kit contains the commonly used homeopathic remedies and a little pamplet on what to use them for.  The other will wipe out the flu quicker then you will believe if you follow the directions.  We also use homeopathy when it is prescribed by our Homepathic Doctor for things that are a little more severe.  

We went to our good friend Dotty’s site to get some info for you.  Here is the general information:


General Information About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is an increasingly popular alternative system of healing whose basic philosophy has attracted much skepticism from the conventional medical profession because it has been difficult to prove ‘scientifically’. However, its success with patients has meant that it has continued to grow and develop over the past two hundred years and has even enjoyed a resurgence in the past twenty years. 

Homeopathic Principles:

The principles of homeopathy were first formulated at the end of the eighteenth century by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. Hahnemann had given up the practice of medicine because he found the therapies of his time to be ineffective and extremely harmful, and did not resume practice until he discovered, in homeopathy, a means to help people heal gently, rapidly, reliably – and without side effects. Homeopathy spread quickly throughout Europe and to the United States, where at the beginning of this century 15-20% of all doctors were homeopaths. Despite repeated criticism from orthodox medical circles, the validity of Hahnemann’s ideas has been demonstrated for over nearly 200 years.

Homeopathic treatment, like all natural therapies, seeks to stimulate the innate healing power of the individual so that all systems function at their best. As a person moves toward their optimal level of general health, they feel better in themselves. As their symptoms improve their strengthened body defenses become active. The homeopathic remedy does not directly treat a symptom or condition. Instead, it helps to initiate the process by which the person heals him or herself. 


Law of Similars:  This is homeopathy’s guiding principle. It states that any substance which can cause a set of symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. The symptoms the sick person experiences are therefore the most important guide to the choice of the correct remedy.


Whole Person:  Homeopaths view a person’s health as a condition of that entire individual rather than as isolated symptoms. A remedy is selected which best corresponds to that person’s total state. Important indicators of general health, like the level of vitality a person experiences, stress factors, and his or her emotional well-being, along with specific physical symptoms, demand close attention.


Minimum dose:  As little medicine as possible is employed. After a dose is given the individual’s response is carefully observed, and the remedy is repeated or changed as necessary. 


[General Information on Homeopathy written by Miranda Castro FSHom, CCH. Miranda is a British homeopath who has been practicing homeopathy since 1983. She is a Fellow of the Society of Homeopaths (UK) and certified with the Council on Homeopathic Certification. 

Miranda has a background in acupuncture and humanistic psychotherapy and has been teaching and speaking both sides of the Atlantic for 15 years. She is much loved for making classical homeopathy accessible to all through her articles and books, The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First years and A Homeopathic Guide to Stress

Please visit Miranda at]


One Response to “Homeopathy”

  1. drstahir Says:

    Well written 🙂 and thank u for supporting homeopathy, Amy and Simon.

    For more sceintific explanation see this articel,


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